
It's written
all over your face

When we communicate, our expressions can say more than our words. Even the most subtle movements of our eyes, eyebrows, mouth and nostrils can make people understand and connect. This connection is a powerful tool for game developers, especially when it’s driven by FACS.

The Facial Action Coding System (FACS) is the only objective measurement of facial expressions in the world. Developed by Paul Ekman and Wallace Friesen in the 1970s, it codified the individual muscle movements called ‘Action Units’ that humans, regardless of culture or language are programmed to understand.

Humain’s Chief Scientific Officer, Erika Rosenberg is a global expert on the Facial Action Coding System (FACS) and protegé of Paul Ekman, senior author of FACS. Ekman has passed guardianship of FACS over to Erika who he has trusted to revise and update this important and highly detailed scientific manual.

Humain’s CSO Erika is in charge of caring for and updating FACS.

Erika is one of only a handful of people in the world who has trained their facial muscles to recreate all 44 Action Units and over 100 of their most common combinations. Humain captured each one of these expressions in High Resolution Photogrammetry and with 4D cameras. From these images, we have created the most advanced database of 3D scans of FACS Action Units in the world.

Erika’s knowledge and expressions combined with our code, has helped us to create EKER, the world’s first toolset that has harnessed the complete capacity of FACS to create flawless, highly realistic facial rigs.