
Expressive faces tell
stronger stories

Gamers buy into gaming experiences they understand and feel connected to. When a character displays an emotion that doesn’t ring true, it can break the spell for many players.

EKER is unique because it is based on the Facial Action Coding System, the only objective measurement of facial expressions in the world. Humain’s Chief Scientific Officer Erika Rosenberg is the world-leading expert on FACS. This combination of complex psychology and coding means that our rigs are packed with labelled, accurate and every human expression in an instant.

A Face to Face Process
EKER takes any number of a performer’s scans to create a facial rig that is based on the Facial Action Coding System. EKKER enables us to extract and/or augment a scanning session in order to build a rig capable of performing every nuanced emotion.

Key Frame Animation

EKER can create a FACS based UI, with either facial manipulators or a side panel to make for an easier and more intuitive experience for riggers and animators.

Motion Capture

EKER facial rigs are easily solved to many different computer vision solutions.

Al Driven Characters

FACS was designed to codify all the facial muscles, making EKER a great perfect interface for an emotion engine.

Actions and reactions speak louder than words. EKER rigs improve the quality of the gaming experience by letting you as an animator tell the full story.

EKER is unique because it is based on the Facial Action Coding System, the only objective measurement of facial expressions in the world. Humain’s Chief Scientific Officer Erika Rosenberg is the world-leading expert on FACS. This combination of complex psychology and coding means that our rigs are packed with labelled, accurate and every human expression in an instant.